Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Turning a glut into chutney


The courgette glut has begun... I love courgettes and they are one of my favourite vegetables to grow. I always sow too many seeds, thinking they may not germinate or get munched when they do. But there were minor losses this year, and now nine plants are fruiting well.
I've grown Defender and Romanesco and Son #2  is growing Picollo, which are round almost like baby marrows.
It was the courgette and marrow glut a few years ago, that prompted me to try making chutney, and I loved the process so much that I've made it ever since. Courgette chutney remains my favourite too.


To make courgette chutney you need:

2lb courgettes, cut up into small chunks
12oz chopped onion
1lb demerera sugar
juice of 1 lemon
1 tbs ground corriander
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
2 tsp mustard seeds
a sprinkle of dried crushed chillies
1 tsp salt
500ml white wine vinegar

Put everything into a heavy based saucepan. 
Bring gently to the boil.
Simmer for 2 hours or so, until it starts to thicken up, stirring occasionally.

Pour into warm, sterile jars and seal.
Label when cool.
Leave for a couple of months to mature before eating.

Lovely with bread and cheese.

I'm afraid I can't remember the original source of this recipe... however I have tweaked it a bit!


  1. Mmmm, that sounds delicious. I'm an avid chutneyer, but I've not tried courgette, must give it a go. First, though, the three pumpkins in the kitchen (not home grown) are crying out to be pickled!

    1. That sounds good, I don't think I've heard of pickled pumpkins!


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